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Posts tagged ‘intentional’

Spirit’s I Ching 57 – Wind

Today’s I Ching reading by Spirit

Wind follows Travel


Spirit explains:


Travel and Wind each express movement, but each in its own way.

Wind, though variable in force and direction, is limited to movement of

Matter, without capacity to choose what it moves or how far.


Travel suggests intentional movement from one place to

Another, or from one condition to another.


Another, important difference between Travel and Wind is that

The wind can change direction and revisit where it had once been.


Only physical travel allows for return, and even then, never as

One was before moving or being moved.


Subjective states of mind, such as thought and emotion, can

Also travel, moved by outer or inner forces, with or without

Personal control.


Study, prayer, meditation, and contemplation are, more or less,

Self-directed ways of travel that require intention to direct or

Seek direction in both a physical and non-physical form.


What can be both physical and non-physical in form?


A lifestyle.



I Ching 59 – Dispersal

Today’s I Ching – 59 – Dispersal

Wind above. Water below.

Dispersal follows Pleasing.


Spirit explains:


Pleasing others serves our own interests and can be intentional,

As a means to an end. Not all smiles are equal. Some are

Sincere while others are not.


Dispersal suggests scattering.


The message?


Do not scatter your thoughts, feelings, or energy.

These are, or can be, as precious gems.

Direct them with intention and wisdom.


To what?


To do good.