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Spirit shares His understanding of  the timeless wisdom of I Ching.

“Today’s focus is on Hexagram 2 – The Receptive. Earth is over Earth, yin over yin. Nothing can be created without expending energy. Receptivity to whatever expanding energy is always a necessary step in the creation of anything.That is the Law of the Yin and Yang within the limits of Tao. Our current culture seems to believe that receptivity is passive. It never is.”

“How can receptivity, being yin, be other than passive?”

“We choose what we accept or yield to, in thought or whatever. We each yield
in varying degrees to different aspects of ideas, actions, or emotions that the world
around us, if it could, would pressure us to accept. We each help to shape or determine outcome. Everyone is Yin and everyone is Yang in different situations. In any situation
we are both contributing and receiving information and influence.

We do not live in a vacuum of energy.We each, in some way, share responsibility
for the world we live in, by the way we each choose to live.

Is there a personal message for me?

Yes. Be aware of why you are choosing to live as you do.



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